Marriage and Faith in Kentucky

KMM Prayer for 2017

Pray that the Lord would open doors and bring us together with all those that His Spirit is moving upon to be involved in Your movement across Kentucky and beyond for Godly Marriage and healthy marriages and families…to re-establish Your Kingdom Marriage Culture based on your Word, design and plan, by the power of Your Spirit in the Authority of Christ for Your Glory…Christ as Lord; Agape Marriages/relationships, Servant-leadership and Generational Discipleship in our homes, into the Church and world. Thanks and praise to You for all You do and Who You Are!

Please pray that:

1) We walk in His Spirit and Word of Truth and are set free (Jn 8:31-32; 14:6; 16:13; Gal 5:16, 22-25; 6:1)

2) We Love Him with all we are as He has loved us; love who we are in Christ, die to self to love others – marriage, spouse, children, Body of Christ, world and even enemies (1 Jn 4:19; Matt 22:37-39; 5:48)

2) We would seek Him with all our heart & His Kingdom/righteousness above all (Jer 29:11-13; Mt 6:33)

2) His Holy Spirit unite us with Christ as Lord as He leads for His Kingdom and glory (Jn 17:11; 1 Pet 3:15)

3) He would search our hearts to see if there is anything against Him and lead us in His Kingdom Way to love as He loves us (Psalm 139:23-24; Mt 22:37-39; Jn 13:34; 15:12)

4) All that comes against God/Christ (Truth) is laid low/brought down/destroyed (2 Cor 10:5; Eph 6:10-12).

5) Any lack (spiritual, personal, relational, communal, systemic, financial) will be filled to overflowing by the cleansing and renewing of His Holy Spirit and the Word (Acts 13:52).

6) We diligently seek the Lord’s direction and He will straighten paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

7) Everyone would walk in the steps that He orders to accomplish His purpose (Proverbs 16:9)

8) The Lord keep us from stumbling/protect us as we put on His armor/pray in the Spirit (Ps 91:11; Eph 6:13-18).

9) The words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts would be pleasing to Him (Psalm 19:14).

10) That we would clearly discern and walk as living proof of God’s will, by renewing our minds and transforming our lives in line with His Word and Spirit, especially when blessed and tested (Romans 12:2).

11) That we would abide in Christ (The Vine) as branches by Your grace, pruned as He sees fit so we can bear more Kingdom fruit (Spirit and Word) to reach others (John 15:1-17; Galatians 5:22-24; Mt 28:18-20)

12) Enlarge our territory (influence in lives, marriages/families, Your Church, communities, KY and beyond) according to His Truth, Love and Kingdom purpose(s), by the Authority of Christ for His Glory (2 Chronicles 4:9-10; 1 Tim 3:5; Deut 6:4-9; Eph 5:21-33)

Father, we humble ourselves before You and ask You to prepare us for all You desire to do. Restore Your plan and purpose for Marriage in the hearts of Your people and reconcile us to healthy marriages/families that will bless and reflect Your Son and His Bride, The Church. Move in us, our relationships; and through our united hearts, prayers and actions in Your Spirit and Word. Bring us together to make an eternal difference in the lives, homes and world in KY and beyond, and we know that can only happen when we allow You to work first of all in each of us, all for Your Kingdom and Glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.