Comments/Endorsements on the Love and Lordship (formerly IP315 Ministries) events offered by The Family Foundation’s Kentucky Marriage Movement:
Bob Russell’s Mentoring Retreat, Country Lake Retreat – Love and Lordship Teaching
Thanks for sharing with us at the retreat. I felt the Lord really used you to open up the men to a much-needed topic. Your passion for righteousness and your concern for the church was very evident in your presentation. I saw you meeting with several of the guys afterward and that was helpful. Thanks for that. The preachers understand the breakdown of the culture and the family which you reviewed in the beginning to lay the foundation. What really hit home was the material about the horrendous consequences of pornography in our culture and how it is tempting for preachers. You hit the nail on the head and the Lord used you among us – as I’m sure He does in each of your presentations. Bob Russell, Bob Russell Ministries, Author and Former Sr. Minister, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Sisters for Life, Love and Lordship Seminar/Trainings, Louisville, KY
It is clear that the Lord’s strong hand is upon Greg Williams, to teach Love and Lordship. His presentation is Biblically sound and he speaks the truth in love! His passion for this God-givien assignment shines through and it makes the teaching even more compelling! We are being educated on a deeper level, about Love, Lordship and marriage. Every one of our lives has truly been transformed as a result!!! Sisters For Life has received one testimony after another about how the Love and Lordship teaching has changed the way they see marriage and parenting. One lady, who was contemplating divorce, is rethinking her decision. Another couple was having trouble in their marriage, as a result of Greg’s teaching, the love they have for the Lord has grown stronger and the love for each other has been rekindled. I must add that one of the many things I found most impressive about Greg is his ability to relate to everyone in the room!!! Angela Minter, Executive Director, Sisters for Life, Louisville, KY
Comments on Kentucky Marriage Movement – Love and Lordship Events
Greg is a passionate voice for Christian marriages. As the family goes, so goes the church. I never enjoyed weddings but I loved to see Christian marriages because they are the building blocks of society. Greg can encourage your church and couples and help bear the load if you let him use what he has learned. Wayne B. Smith, Former Sr. Minister, Southland Christian Church
Love and Lordship Events, Jessamine Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY
“As a pastor I am delighted to commend Greg Williams and Love and Lordship ministry. He has taught a number of times at my church. His messages are always timely, Bible based, very practical and life changing.” Wally Rendel, Sr. Pastor (Retired), Jessamine Christian Church, Nicholasville
Faith in The Home Conference, Love and Lordship Series, First Baptist, Paris, KY
“Greg Williams is passionate about delivering the biblical standards concerning marriage, family, and purity to a generation that has forgotten them. His message is timely, challenging and encouraging. Adults and students alike benefit from sitting under Greg’s teaching. His foundational message centers on the Lordship of Christ. This foundation aids discipleship beyond marriage, family, and purity into all areas of Christian life.” -Kyle Sullivan, Sr. Pastor, First Baptist, Paris
Love and Lordship Conference & Men’s Retreat, Calvary Christian Church, Winchester, KY
“The Lord is using Greg, and the Kentucky Marriage Movement in tremendous ways! My wife and I first met Greg at the Love and Lordship conference which was hosted by our church, Calvary Christian of Winchester, KY. The two-day seminar was powerful! Never have I met someone with such passion and enthusiasm for healthy marriages and families. He’s a hard-hitter, sometimes the content is tough, challenging and convicting but I can truthfully say that Greg used the Word of God to breathe new life into my marriage.
Our church body was so blessed by the Love and Lordship conference that we didn’t think twice about bringing Greg back as the keynote speaker for the 2018 Calvary Christian Men’s Retreat – Bluegrass Christian Camp. The Kentucky Marriage Movement and my Brother in Christ, Greg, have had an incredibly positive impact in my family’s life. It is truly our honor and privilege to support their ministry and we are excited to see where the Lord will take them in 2019!” -Chris/Amanda Tucker, Attendees, Calvary Christian Church members
Love and Lordship Series, Isaiah House, Willisburg, KY
“God’s message through your Love and Lordship class helped me more than anything I’ve ever heard to get out of addiction and get my life back.” -Paul Smith, Isaiah House staff and former resident
Lexington Leadership Foundation, Love and Lordship Series, Lexington, KY
“God used your message to completely change my life and my family!” -Colton, attendee
Ninevah Christian Church, Lawrenceburg, KY – Art of Marriage and Love and Lordship Teaching
My wife and I have attended the Art of Marriage and the Love and Lordship conferences and they were both great. I have been using the materials from the Art of Marriage set in my pre-marriage counseling sessions at the church. I highly recommend them and Greg does a great job facilitating the events. Terry Cooper, Lead Minister
Church of the Savior Men’s Retreat, Nicholasville, KY – Love and Lordship Teaching
I cannot thank you enough for the weekend. You really ministered to our men in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. In addition, you gave them practical ways and steps to become the men of God that all of us so desperately want to be. Our guys really responded well to your teaching. I noted with admiration that you made yourself available to interact with the men and help them one on one with their concerns. Thanks to you we learned from each other and bonded together as brothers. I will agree with you in prayer that the wisdom and seeds sown by you this weekend will continue to flourish in their lives. Joe Blackburn, Men’s Minister
The traditional American family is under assault and getting weaker by the day. Restoring it to its original purpose and function will only happen by highly intentional effort. Greg Williams provides key instruction and motivation for men to become diligent disciples, humble husbands and faithful fathers. It is a relevant and powerful message presented in a clear and effective way. Come expecting to be radically changed from the inside out! Kent Laufenburger, Attendee
Leesburg Christian Church Men’s Retreat, Leesburg, KY – Love and Lordship Teaching
Our church’s Men’s Group, BOLD, had its first ever Conference this past Fall with the theme, “Get In The Game.” Greg was invited as our initial Keynote Presenter and was a rousing success. He was able to relate his stories and teachings to a broad and varied audience, and hit home with a message that inspired all there. Guys left maybe a touch convicted, but also inspired and motivated to indeed step up and get in the game! The messages through all the sessions were received so well, we are asking Greg back again this year to speak again. Its such a blessing to hear God’s Word through such a messenger. Brett Hartmann, Men’s Minister
Isaiah House (Residential Rehab Facility), Willisburg, KY – Love and Lordship Series
I wanted to take a moment to thank you and recognize your efforts in helping our men. The positive influence you and the classes have on our men is very noticeable. Kevin Horn, Program Director
I must admit, as usual, when I first stepped into your class I had my doubts about you. Honestly, it was nothing you did but my sinful nature pushing me away from anything that’s of God. As I processed through the weeks, absorbing your teaching, hearing your testimony and watching as you addressed some of the clients here at Isaiah House, I have concluded through prayer and aligning your teaching with God’s Word that you are a man of God and God is using you to do great things. I have begun to apply what I learned to my life and have even used some of it as I have begun to lead others. It was a pleasure to be in your class and I am grateful to have met you. Please allow me to praise God for sending you to us. Your life testimony has been a positive influence in my life. Thank you for your obedience. A. K., Resident
Thanks to you I have opened my eyes about my family and how badly I treat them. Thanks for giving me tools to help restore peace with my family and how to gain their trust back. After I’m healed I plan to get married and at first I was scared but after your classes I am at ease and have a game plan to marry the love of my life all because of you. Thank you, brother. B. C., Resident
Thank you for the valuable information I can us to apply to my relationships. Your obedience to God and telling it like it should be is a great inspiration to me. Thanks for opening my eyes to see the awesome life that God has blessed me with. L. B., Resident
Thank you for taking the time for us at the Isaiah House. You are a true reflection and example of Christ-likeness. I believe many clients share this same view because you put your life on hold to speak to a bunch of drug addicts, such as me. It really helped me to gain a new and healthier view of my marriage, from a Biblical sense. Thanks again. J. M., Resident
I wanted to thank you for taking the time to come and minister to me and my brothers. You brought a lot of wisdom every Wednesday morning. You have opened my eyes to becoming the spiritual leader for my future family that God calls us to be. It is clear you are a God-fearing man. I hope you fully understand how big of an impact your have had on me. J. L., Resident
I wanted to let you know that your lessons on discipleship, true discipleship, really helped me and has caused me to refocus my faith. Your lessons on “porneia” sticks with me daily and causes me to see and understand immorality more clearly in my own life. T. H., Resident
I only got to sit in on one of the classes but it inspired me. Waiting until marriage until anything sexual happens and building the trust that a relationship needs is what I want but have never had. So thank you for opening my eye to what a relationship should and could be. J, Resident
I wanted to take a moment to write you and let you know that your time and efforts were greatly appreciated. Your class was eye-opening and I am certain that everyone who had the privilege of attending benefitted by doing so. I truly believe that by employing the tools that I gained in your class I will be a better husband, father and leader, as well as and most importantly, a better servant of God. S. R., Resident
I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for taking time away from your family to come mentor us. I can see that your family is very important to you. I have begun to apply some of your teachings in my own life. Your session on marriage and family as well as your testimony gave me a better understanding. I pray that everyone that attends your session take them seriously. The Holy Spirit really does us you to change lives. I hope you return for a new group of guys. S. D., Resident
Thank you for volunteering your time to come hang out with us and spiritually lift all of us up. I learned a lot out of your class. I learned the right way to have a relationship with my wife. Thank you for everything. K. C., Resident
Church of the Savior, Nicholasville, KY – Love and Lordship Conference
River Valley Christian Church, Prospect, KY – Love and Lordship Workshop
Greg, you put on a great seminar. I really appreciated the biblical depth of your teaching; it took me back to some of my favorite Bible classes in college. My wife was unfortunately unable to get out of work that night, but I shared my notes with her when we both got home. She and I got married in August and I get the feeling we’ll be drawing from your insights for many years to come! I think the people of our church were greatly blessed and challenged from your seminar. Thanks for the thoughtfulness and the passion with which you made it happen. Zach Price
“Everyone that we have spoken with in the days since this workshop thought it was well worth their time. Many of us think this course should be required material prior to any couple getting married. Would be a whole lot less strife in our relationships.” Nita and Butch Pulliam
New Hope Community Church, Elizabethtown, KY – Love and Lordship Conference
“Greg does a great job of focusing on scripture and how it relates to marriage. Rather than focus solely on common problems, he focuses on our relationship with Christ. When we are changed, so will our outlook on marriage and how we view our spouse. You will be challenged to be more like Jesus!” Herb Williams, Sr. Pastor
“Real, practical teaching for getting your priorities straight regarding marriage. I appreciated Greg’s sensitivity to The Holy Spirit.” Joann Williams, New Hope Community Church
Ninevah Christian Church, Lawrenceburg, KY – Love and Lordship Conference
“Thank you! This was one of the best conferences we’ve been to, and we heard a lot of great feedback. We really appreciate you and your ministry. Thanks again!” Sean and Beth McCreary, Marriage Mentors
We just wanted to say thank you! This past weekend at Ninevah Christian Church as you presented the Love and Lordship conference we were so inspired by your enthusiasm! Knowing who we are in Christ is the priority! I am praying that each person who attended will be inspired to enrich their relationship with Jesus. And as we grow in our relationship with the Word, all other relationships will benefit from learning what love and lordship really is. I appreciate you so much and all you do! God bless you!” Pat and Dan Dunnum, Ninevah Christian Church
NorthEast Christian Church, Lexington, KY – Love and Lordship Workshop
“Love and Lordship was a great event for our couples at NorthEast. Greg pointed us to God’s truth as the foundation for life and challenged us to live our lives in alignment with His truth. I believe everyone walked away from this workshop with a desire to let Christ lead. It seems counter-intuitive but the best thing for our marriages, is to focus first and foremost on our relationship with Jesus Christ…and then on our marriages!” Todd Fox, Life Groups and Discipleship Director, NorthEast Christian Church
MERCY Workshop Series, Louisville/Crestwood, KY
Porter Memorial Baptist Church Weekend Conference, Lexington, KY
“I am being totally transparent when I say that the way that the material was presented was more than I anticipated. I appreciated and it fulfilled, by far, my expectations because of the discipleship aspect of the weekend. I felt like the crowd engaged in the process and they really took part. Great for our people.” Tim Turner, D. Ed. Min., Sr. Associate Pastor, Porter Memorial Baptist Church
“It was an absolute blessing for me to go to the Love and Lordship conference. I needed that desperately, God’s timing was perfect. I learned a lot and plan to continue learning and trying these principles even though my wife is not here. Thank you so much for spending time with me personally, you are very positive and encouraging to me…Nothing has changed that I know of with my wife yet but I messaged her to tell her how great a class she missed and she asked me to find out if there is any more planned that she would like to go. This would be a very positive step for her. You and the conference really ignited a passion in my heart to Learn and Grow to become the man God has called me to be. I want to be his Disciple of and a Servant of Christ.” Ed Nivison, attendee
Steve and I were so inspired and motivated to use and share what we learned! We thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and learned so much. We passed on the main point to our Singles Class the next day at church, i.e. getting the vertical relationship right, so that the horizontal relationships will work. You have a great gift and we are so thankful you are using it for this critical issue of our time – strong and lasting marriages. The moral breakdown that our society faces today is largely due to the epidemic of broken marriages. Colonel Steve (USAF Retired) and Mrs. Lorrie Parker, Porter Memorial Baptist Singles Ministry
Lexington First Assembly of God Marriage Weekend, Lexington, KY
Capital City Christian Church (Frankfort) Marriage Retreat, Gatlinburg, TN
“This weekend was best material I have heard and I have a masters of divinity in pastoral counseling from Southern Baptist seminary. He was right on the money. Convicting and liberating. I have been telling everyone about the teaching. I sure wish I was trained to teach this and live this as I attended seminary. I would have been saved a lot of heart ache and helped others avoid heart ache.” James Driver, MDiv, Pastoral Counseling, Southern Baptist Seminary
Other Comments on Love and Lordship (formerly IP315 Ministries) Events and Message…

IP315 Ministries is a thought-provoking, Biblically grounded presentation of the Gospel of Christ as the building of His Kingdom from salvation to sanctification and discipleship! Too often in today’s culture the soft-sell message of ‘salvation-only’ dominates the teaching and leaves many without a full understanding of becoming Christ’s disciple and helping others do the same – building His Kingdom in every realm of our lives. It often leaves them in bondage to the sin they are supposed to be set free from. This ministry is an encouragement and challenge to the Church to become Christ’s followers in every part of their lives – personal, marriage/home/family, business and workplace, government and community as a whole! You will be challenged, although it will be done with gentleness and respect (I Peter 3: 15).
— Tim Philpot, Judge, Fayette Circuit Family Court, 1st Division (Lexington, Fayette Co., KY)
“I am excited about the impact that IP315 Ministries will have both in the short run and over time. Greg Williams is an insightful messenger with a powerful message. The efforts and message of this ministry will change lives!”
— Kent Ostrander, Executive Director, The Family Foundation of Kentucky
Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” As our culture struggles with identity, relational, and integrity issues that lead to bondage, it is a breath of fresh air to hear and know that there are ministries in our midst that are the ‘voice of Truth’. IP315 Ministries is a ministry that deliberately addresses the heart of the issues from a Biblical perspective. IP315 does not waiver from the truth as it speaks to the issues through the paradigm of Lordship, discipleship, relationships and sexuality.
Ministries and organizations are only as strong as their leadership. IP315 is blessed to be led by Greg Williams. It has been my fortune to hear Greg Williams as a public speaker and in private settings. He is a man of integrity. What he speaks in public is what he speaks in private. I do not know of someone who is as passionate and committed to the cause with which Christ has charged them. — Eric Geary, CEO, The Lexington Leadership Foundation
In the fall of 2007 Kentucky Christian Assembly, a Christian service camp established and supported by several Christian Churches in central Kentucky , sought to expand our ministry and outreach to families in our area. We recognized the devastating effects of the breakdown of the home on both young and old, as people are taken captive by the deceptions of the world, the flesh and the devil. In KCA’s camp ministry we often see kids neglected and forsaken by their parents, and grandparents struggling to meet the responsibilities of the physical and emotionally challenging needs of these children. As children cannot trust and rely on their parents, they fall into much greater risk of developing unhealthy relationships and callous attitudes that they may never be able to overcome.
Through our association with Greg Williams in connection with the Heritage of Kentucky abstinence education program, we learned of IP315 Ministries. The paradigm model for IP315 Ministries of Lordship, Discipleship, Relationship, & Sexuality provides an excellent approach to the One True Answer for the pathologies plaguing families today. The prevailing “ME” culture is crumbling the foundations of our homes as well as all other social orders God Himself designed. Greg unequivocally establishes through the IP315 paradigm the only way we can effectively address the woes that confound our society – and that is to recognize the Lordship of our Creator, God; to follow Him in true Discipleship; to acknowledge and willingly submit to the individual roles He ordained in our relationships; and to honor Him and ourselves by respecting the gift of our sexuality, fulfilled in the sanctified, blessed and life-long union of one man and one woman in marriage.
My position on the KCA board of directors causes me to look with urgency for resources to address cultural issues through our camp ministry; but more over, as a Christian woman, wife, mother, and youth mentor, I am deeply concerned with the decline in godly lifestyle we are witnessing among those who claim Christ as LORD. It is obvious that unless the TRUTH of God, the One and Only Source of TRUTH, is applied to the lives of men, women and young people soon, the devastating consequences to their lives and to our society as a whole will be utter despair, as even Christians exchange the TRUTH of God for a lie (Rm. 1:25).
Greg’s ability to speak to the cause of societal pathologies and to present the remedies to address them is a complete, comprehensive, and soundly Scripture-based therapy. He speaks with compassion and conviction. He captivates the hearer with the boldness and authority of the Word, and credits the Holy Spirit that guides and blesses his own life and family with the power to mend broken hearts and homes to bring healing. He does not promise an easy path or a quick-fix for disobedient mistakes. He does promise forgiveness and comfort through repentance and restoration that is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Greg is a devoted son, husband and father. He is dedicated to the ministry of his home church and is a trusted leader there. He is a friend to many ministries here in Kentucky and beyond, and his talent as a singer lends an even deeper dimension to his ministry. There are no reservations in my recommendation of IP315 Ministries, nor Greg’s conviction and heart for those he seeks to reach in a fallen, lost world.
Sincerely, In our LORD Jesus Christ,
— Allison Reynolds, KCA Board of Directors – Broadhead, Kentucky
“We’ve been married 26 years and thought we really had this whole marriage thing down. After your seminar, we realize there is so much more that we can do for our marriage and Christ’s Kingdom and we eagerly look forward to working on it together!”
— Couple after attending Valentine Lover’s Luncheon hosted by New Vine Baptist Church where IP315 (Love and Lordship) Ministries marriage model was presented
I heartily recommend Greg Williams and IP315 Ministries. Greg’s gift of communication coupled with eye opening information regarding our culture are a presentation that should be heard across our nation. The relevant and gripping evidences presented challenge the heart, mind, and moral conscience of anyone who cares about their children and this country. IP315 Ministries is about truths that can make a difference.
— Ernie Perry, Senior Minister, Broadway Christian Church, Lexington, KY